UPG_IAS IAS Replacement Module
The later model GCA steppers, such as the Autostep, include an Integrated Alignment System (IAS). For those people
who don't make use of this subsystem, the IAS can be a bit of a maintenance headache, not to mention
the power consumption and the noise. Without the IAS installed,
however, the user doesn't have control of the illumination needed to manually align the wafer.
In a typical application, the GCA stepper is an Autostep, running MOP (Master Operating Program) 7.3 and having a DEC VT340
terminal for user input/output. In this situation, the user will have control of the wafer alignment illumination
through special keys on the keyboard (see the 'VT340 keyboard' image below) e.g. 'S/C', '1st Lev', 'Expose', 'Inc', 'Dec' etc. Without an IAS installed
in the system , the keyboard controls are disabled and illumination control is lost.
The UPG_IAS unit restores the keyboard illumination control, even without the IAS in the system. The standard
keys are recognised :
- Press F20 (the function key at the top of the keyboard) to enter or exit adjustment mode for the illumination level
- Press 'Speed' to toggle between being able to adjust the illumination in large or small steps
- Press '.' (period) to toggle between adjusting the Focus and the illumination
- Press 'Inc' and 'Dec' to increase or decrease the illumination level
- Press 'Expose' at any time to turn off the illumination and continue exposing the wafer
The UPG_IAS module (see images below) is approximately 54mm x 84mm x 23mm (2.1" x 3.3" x 0.9") and has the following connections:
- +12VDC power input at 20 mA
- RJ45 serial port connector to the VT340 (RJ45-to-DB9F adapter included)
- RJ45 serial port connector to the controlling computer (RJ45-to-DB9F adapter included)
- 6-pin circular DIN connector to the AWA (Automatic Wafer Aligner) illuminator power supply
- 2-pin connector to the INSITU pins found on the DFAS connector to allow INSITU to launch the illumination control
If you have any questions or require further information then please contact us through the link below.
VT340 Keyboard
UPG_IAS Enclosure
UPG_IAS Connectors A
UPG_IAS Connectors B